سفارة الجزائر فى بيروت

لبنان > الجزائر

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136237 - أريد أن أحصل على تأشيرة دخول للجزائر بهدف الزو اج من شخص جزائري ما هي الإجراءات وماهي الأوراق المطلوبه

131700 - اود ان اعرف كيفية الحصول على فيزا زيارة الى الجزائر واذا كان بالامكان تقديم طلب بواسطة الموقع ام يقتضي الحضور الى السفارة وهل بحاجة الى موعد سابق

121213 - أود الاستفسار حول التقديم على الجامعات الجزائرية وكيفية تعديل شهادتي

113681 - I'm Yasser Ahmed Mufleh from Syria I have been living in Lebanon with a large family for 9 years. We do not have a chance to return to Syria because all of my children are of military age and must join the Syrian army if they return. I was exposed to a big problem several months ago, with strong death threats and other threats. I tried to communicate with the Office of the High Commissioner, Caritas, the International Red Cross, the Lebanese Red Cross, and other human rights associations, but to no avail. I moved out of my house twice but to no avail. I retired to my house without going out except for the utmost necessity, for fear that my children, my wife and my daughters might get into trouble. They grabbed my little girl and burned her face and broke my son's hand and cut his hair They stole his money and his phone and I couldn't do anything A few days ago, I took my wife to the dispensary to take a spray session because of severe asthma attacks that she suffers from every period, especially after what happened with my daughter. On the way back, we went to the Bayader junction before the Grand International School, and after walking several steps, we were surprised by a number of motorbikes, each with two young men on it. One of them pushed my wife with his foot and she fell to the ground so I ran to carry her and I heard my daughter screaming as they grabbed her and wanted to take her with them, were it not for the passing of a car distributing ice and moving slowly, which prompted them to flee immediately when they saw her coming. They said to my wife that they will rape her and my daughter very soon. Since that day, we have not gone out of the house, my daughter does not speak to anyone, and my wife feels as if she will lose her life in fear and terror at any moment. What should I do when all the human rights associations left me? What do I do in this hateful life? Will my children and I commit suicide? My file at the UNHCR is 245-13c10937 My phone number is 0096170658328 I have a little daughter 13 yrs old .she was in our neighbors house and when she came back home a 3 boys with motorcycles stopped her and grabbed her and scratched her face and photographed her . That was the third time they do this to her and I don't know what to do. She came home screaming and crying and saying to me that we can't stay live like that . I live with my 17 persons my family in the same appartment!! I really feel that Noone care about us. My file at the UNHCR is 245-13c10937 My phone number is 0096170658328