سفارة السويد فى انقرة

تركيا > سويدي

العنوانKatip Celebi Sokak 7
06692 Ankara
الهاتفمحلي: (0312) 455.4100
دولي: +90.312.455.4100
Visas & Consularمحلي: (0312) 455.4140
دولي: +90.312.455.4140
الفاكسمحلي: (0312) 455.4120
دولي: +90.312.455.4120
Consular الفاكسمحلي: (0312) 455.4130
دولي: +90.312.455.4130
البريد الالكترونيambassaden.ankara@foreign.ministry.se

املء هذا النموذج :
- لتقديم طلب للحصول على معلومات.
- لترك رسالة في هذه الصفحة والمشاركة في منتدى للنقاش.
- لاستلام أهم التحديثات.
سوف تظهر رسالتك في هذه الصفحة أما تفاصيلك الشخصية ستبقى سرية.

الإسم و اللقب :

البريد الإلكتروني :*

مدينة : *

بلد : *

مهنة :

رسالة : *


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117467 - Welcome . I am Mahmoud Al-Nuaimi, a Syrian refugee residing in Izmir, Turkey. I work in the field of argon welding, gas and leveling. I am married and have two children. Dear sir, dear lady. I know that I am not the only one who writes to you and asks you for help, but the world has narrowed us down and we are stranded. We did not call upon a door unless we knocked on it, and there was no path that we did not follow. but to no avail . Dear Sir, Dear Madam. We live in an undisputed situation here. The situation here is very tragic and very difficult. Our conditions here are very difficult. We are a family of 4 people. We have no relatives here and no family to turn to Even friends we do not have, not because we are introverts, but rather we are afraid of problems and racism because of the conditions here and because we are alone here. Dear sir, dear lady. We know that you do not have the authority or that you do not have the decision to help us and we respect your laws in this regard. We know that the decision is in the hands of the United Nations, and we must review them and submit to them. Dear Sir, Dear Madam. We have already applied to the Immigration Department of Izmir since 2016 Unfortunately, we did not receive any response from anyone, even an interview. We have been registered with the United Nations Assam Center since 2016. and 2017 Also, we did not receive any response from anyone. She contacted the United Nations via the Internet, to no avail. Dear Sir, Madam. We know that we must come to your borders and surrender ourselves to your authorities. To be accepted in your honorable country. But, sir, madam, how can I risk 4 lives on the sea or land with the crowds of people and dollar lovers. They are ruthless that they see us a bag of money, a group of dollars. Dear Sir, Madam. I wish I had Aladdin's lamp to get the genie out of it, and I see no hand but one request that peace and safety prevail on this planet. I wish I had the magic simplicity to fly to you and land on the window of a church to offer myself as an offering on Christmas Eve. May my children and my family live in peace and security in your country. Dear Sir, Madam. We are sorry to bother you with our story and Manaanih. We appreciate your valuable time and do not want to disturb you, but we sincerely need your help and we have faith and trust in you. Thank you very much 05393558715 Princessemile050@gmail.comHello, I am Mahmoud Al-Nuaimi, a Syrian refugee in Turkey, my family protects you in Sweden, Orbro. I am married and I have two children. We have no one here. My father, my mother, my brothers are all in Sweden and hold citizenship. We suffer from a very difficult situation here. I have registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) since 2017. We are trying everything we can to improve the situation for my children They live here in loneliness and isolation My children do not know the meaning of the word grandfather or grandmother Sir Madam Imagine a family and grandchildren deprived of tenderness We do not want money We do not want to bring the family together For 7 years I have not seen my family We need help to look at us Please help us We hope for mercy I hope that we meet With my new family, please help us, be of help to us. Thank you very much. Please help princessemile050@gmail.com 05393558715 05525218305

116641 - مرحبًا أنا من سوريا أعيش في تركيا بسبب الحرب التي خرجت منها من وطني إسمي عمار المواس تاريخ ميلادي2004/1/1 و رقم 99068237688TC رقم الهاتف 05380658886 لا أستطيع الدراسة بسبب الظروف المادية بحيث لا أستطيع القراءة وأنا صغيرة لا أستطيع العمل وشكرا لكم

116113 - مرحبا هل بامكان الاطفال ع حصلوا على الجواز السويدي في السفارة اذا الاب لديه جواز سويدي

111284 - اود تقديم طلب لجوء لديكم

110970 - Hello, I am Hassan Al-Sulaiman, from Syria, residing in Turkey. I would like to submit an application for asylum in your country because of the war that is taking place in my country, Syria, by the Syrian regime and some of the armed and terrorist groups, and many of them. And Turkey, I cannot live in it because of racism, so we found safety in your great country. I would like to apply for asylum and go and live there safely. Hello, I am Hassan Al-Sulaiman, from Syria, residing in Turkey. I would like to submit an application for asylum in your country because of the war that is taking place in my country, Syria, by the Syrian regime and some of the armed and terrorist groups, and many of them. And Turkey I cannot live in because of racism, so we found safety in your great country and I would like to apply for asylum and go and live there safely Now I live in Turkey and I cannot live here because of the internal conditions in the country, the high cost of living, hard work and strict laws here. I am currently unemployed here in Turkey and I do not receive any salary from the state. What we have suffered from terrorists such as ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra, and the government in Syria is enough of killing, displacement, torture, poverty and starvation. the great I hope you will accept my request I am Hassan Suleiman from Syria I am 25 years old Unmarried Lives in Gaziantep, Turkey Thank you very much

110589 - انا شاب كردي سوري عمري 25 ارغب ان أكمل دراستي لدي مستوى ذكاء عالي في كثير من المجالات واريد بشدة ان ادرس انا متزوج ليس لدينا اولاد وزوجتي أيضا تريد أن تكمل دراستها ونحنا حاصلين على شهادات التاسع الإعدادي في سوريا

110352 - سلام عليكم انا مقيم في تركيا انا خرجت من سوريا بعام 2013بسب الحرب ودمار يلا صار ببلدي،وانا كانت عسكري عند النظام السوريا،المجرام مافين ارجع عل سوريا لا انو مطلب عند النظام،السوريا المجرا اطلب الجوا الي بدكم المحترم لكي اعشيا بأمان انا واطفالي وزوجتي،مع العالم انو وضاعي المعيش صعب

110105 - انا سوري الجنسيه متزوج ولدي طفلين. انا معتقل سابق لدى النظام السوري وأثار التعذيب موجوده احمل شهاده في العلوم الكيميائية وزوجتي تحمل شهاده تجاره واقتصاد ولدي ملف في الامم المتحدة. ارجو الموافقه طلب اللجوء إلى بلدكم المحترم

109482 - مرحبا انا طارق زياد ياسين من العراق اعاني اضطهاد في بلدي الأم وانا الان اعيش في الجمهوريه التركيه لذالك اطلب لجوء إنساني إلى بلدكم العزيز علماً ان لدي أقرباء في بلدكم مع جزيل الشكر والامتنان والتقدير

108056 - سيدي ، سيدتي ، نتمنى من خلال الاتصال بنا أن تسأل عن وضعنا ، وهو أكبر نقاط ضعفنا. نحن نعيش في أمل بسيط أن تتواصل معك. عمري 35 سنة ابيع من ظروف صحية / نحن في سوريا مؤلفون من ثلاثة اشخاص. ابنتي ليلى عمرها 5 سنوات / لدي ملف لدى المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين / رقم الملك هو 99451918354/01/01/1986 ، رقم الهاتف 05388455974 ، نقدر اتصالك بنا لاهتمامك بأسرة من يهتم بهم عن صحتهم