سفارة بلجيكا فى بيروت

لبنان > بلجيكا

العنوانBâtiment Lazarieh - bloc A, 10ème étage
Rue Emir Béchir, Centre Ville
الهاتفمحلي: (01) 976.001
دولي: +961.1.976.001
الفاكسمحلي: (01) 976.007
دولي: +961.1.976.007
البريد الالكترونيbeirut@diplobel.fed.be
Web sitehttp://www.diplomatie.be/beirut

املء هذا النموذج :
- لتقديم طلب للحصول على معلومات.
- لترك رسالة في هذه الصفحة والمشاركة في منتدى للنقاش.
- لاستلام أهم التحديثات.
سوف تظهر رسالتك في هذه الصفحة أما تفاصيلك الشخصية ستبقى سرية.

الإسم و اللقب :

البريد الإلكتروني :*

مدينة : *

بلد : *

مهنة :

رسالة : *


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66817 - I am Yasser Mufleh from Syria I have been living in Lebanon for years. I have a large family of seven children. I live a very difficult life. Two weeks ago my son told me about a problem with his friend who works in a restaurant delivering orders. My son says that his friend found out that two of his employees at the restaurant had a relationship with the wife of the owner. The owner of the restaurant discovered it and took him home with him and threatened him with weapons to tell him the truth. But his friend denied that he knew anything about the subject, but the restaurant owner beat him several times and gave him 10 days to leave Lebanon or his life would be the price. My son's friend came to our house and advised him to go to the UNHCR in Beirut. He went to them and received him and find the appropriate solution for him . But the problem did not end here The owner of the restaurant asked my son and asked about his friend, but my son denied that he knew where he was. But the owner of the restaurant told him I know where your house is and I know you have sisters. And you have two weeks until you tell me where your friend is or else the results are very bad for you and your family. My son told me the problem and I went to UNHCR, but they told me you had to change the place of residence. This solution is inappropriate because anyone who sees me will simply tell me where I am. The owner of the restaurant is a drunkard, a drug addict and a large group of men who help him with everything. Since my son told me about the problem, I have not left my house, I have not allowed my children to leave the house, and I do not know what to do. I am registered with the Commission at file no: 245-13c10937 And my phone number is:0096170658328 From two days ago they catch my little daughter while she came back from school and hit her and threatening her that they will wait her every day near the school.,so she never go to school again. I can't move from my house cause I know they are waiting me in some place. I m looking for a safe place to live with my family and feel that I m a human being and not an insect. I try to call some of the local authorities but they advised me that they will hurt me more and more and get revenge of my kids . No one answer me at the UNHCR office. As they don’t care about our lives. I just need an opportunity to live and work and make a good future for my family I can't live her anymore and I can't go back to Syria because my house has been destroyed and I lost my job and my all 5 children must join the Syrian army and fight with it . So they may lost their lives there . Please I need help and need someone who can listen and understand what I am going through. …… Yesterday they catch my little daughter and hit her on her nose and she came home crying and frightened. So I don't know what to do. I feel helpless and desperate. Please give me an appointment at your embassy

66617 - كيفية أخذ موعد مقابلة عبر الإيميل لأخذ فيزة زياره بناء على دعوة

66616 - طريقة أخذ موعد مقابلة في السفارة البلجيكية في لبنان للزيارة

66246 - مرحبا انا من سوريا من الرقه الحرب دمرت منزلي وجعلتني مشرد ثم نتقلنا للعيش في لبنان ففي طروق خروجنا ماتت زوجتي بل قصف العشوائي وبقينا انا وابني الوحيد لوحدنا والان وضعنا صعب وابني مريض لا استطيع العنايه بيه ارجوا مساعدتنا

64970 - ارغب في المساعدة منكم و ارغب بمعرفة ماهي أسباب الرفض

64916 - ارجو المساعده منكم اريد معرفة أسباب رفض طلبيتي لم شمل للبلجيكا

64300 - تصديق اوراق سوريه

64299 - تصديق اوراق سوريه

64176 - مرحبا انا اريد السفر واستيراد البضائع المستعملة من بلجيكا ومعي من النقود مايكفي ولكن انا اواجه صعوبات كثيرة من اجل الاوراق المطلوبة لئنني سوري الجنسية اتمنى تسهيل اموري من اجل السفر واستيراد البضائع ارجو الرد وشكرا

63945 - تقديم للجوء اتمنى ان اعيش حياه كريمه مع اولادي و زوجتي