l'Ambassade du Hongrie en Abuja

Nigéria > Hongrie

AdresseNo. 61, Jose Marti Crescent, Asokoro
Téléphonelocal: (09) 314.1180
international: +234.9.314.1180
Faxlocal: (09) 314.1177
international: +234.9.314.1177
Site Webhttp://www.mfa.gov.hu/emb/abuja
En français NotesAccredited in Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast

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27909 - hello I come by this note ask the procedure to fill to make an appointment and what are the documents to present at the appointment? receive Sir, the expression of my highest consideration.

25444 - I wish to obtain a document to help me constitute my file for a visa application

24719 - hello, i am a cameroonian i live inYaounde.i am a member of an association. i have to attend the intenational conférence of the World Deaf federation in hungary in november.i have submit to have a rendez vous so that i can deposit my demand.but until now i have no answer please.is there any Way to introduice my demand in your ambassy?thankyou

9619 - slt, je suis une jeune camerounise et j aimerais étudier en hongrie, j'aimerais avoir des renseignements pour la constitution des dossiers pour la demande de visa d'études en hongrie,et j'aimerais savoir comment l'on obtient le visa d'abuja vivant au cameroun....merci d'avance.