القنصلية الفخرية لوكسمبورج فى اسطنبول
تركيا > لوكسمبورغ
Honorary Consul | Mme Suzan SABANCI Dinçer |
العنوان | Yeniköy-Köybasi cad N°247 İstanbul Turkey |
الهاتف | محلي: (0212) 279.3935 دولي: + |
الفاكس | محلي: (0212) 278.1837 دولي: + |
البريد الالكتروني | Suzan.Sabanci@akbank.com |
املء هذا النموذج :
- لتقديم طلب للحصول على معلومات.
- لترك رسالة في هذه الصفحة والمشاركة في منتدى للنقاش.
- لاستلام أهم التحديثات.
سوف تظهر رسالتك في هذه الصفحة أما تفاصيلك الشخصية ستبقى سرية.
58326 - اريد الحصول على فيزا لجوء الى بلدكم لدي 5 اطفال ولم اعد قادرا على اعالتهم ارجو اخذ الموضوع بعين الاعتبار
57894 - Name: Anas Khalil Taha. Place of birth: Douma, Rural Damascus countryside, Syria. Phone: 05353806321 Email: anas1992ta@gmail.com On 25 April 2011, our house was raided by the General Intelligence Forces my father, my two brothers and me, were arrested by them, then we were taken to an intelligence branch,(Khatib branch) the state security in Damascus, where my father, my two brothers and I were tortured so hardly because we are Human Rights activists, and they were threatened me to torture my father before my eyes during the investigations session, unfortunately and they did. We stayed in the State Security Branch (Khatib Branch) for five days, and then we were transferred to the branch of the General Intelligence Directorate (Kafar Sosa 215), where we spent seven days, the worst days of my detention, and then we were transferred to Adraa Central Prison where I met with the activists George Sabra, Fayez Sara, Riad Seif and Mishal Tamo. Then we were released on 07-06- 2011 after 45 days (30 of them were in Adraa Central Prison, and 15 of them were in the security brunches) Under a bail payment under the conditions of court attendance. After that we were forced to stay in Estearn Ghouta in spite of the hard condition of Siege and shells by the Syrian Regime. During this I worked at Douma Local Council for four years (In the Directorate of Real Estate Records as a director of Photography and Electronic Automation office) During this work I subjected to an injury that on her trace I lost my right foot from the knee unfortunately. On 01-04-2018, we were forced displaced from Eastern Ghouta to the North of Syria (Afrin) by the Syrian Regime. In Afrin my brother and me were forced to start again, and we have got a fund to open a small library to sell school stationery in which we were attacked and beaten so hardly by the Syrian military group, (Jaish Alsharqya), they were a group of 25 military members, they have shot fire in our library and we were stabbed with knives by them, I was injured by three stabs, two in my back, and one in my head, and my younger brother was stabbed in his shoulder. The Turkish official (responsible for the security of Afrin) held the perpetrators accountable after this incident but he did nothing. On 1/3/2019,my younger brother and I went to Turkey to install an industrial party to my right leg because my old one had been broken and was in very poor condition. Now I have installed a new one by a Syrian orgnization, but not the one I wanted. First of all I was living in Gaziantep, then I went to Istanbul to look for a job but I did not find a job in Istanbul particularly and in Turkey in general because of the long working hours which are not commensurate with my injury, so I had to go back to Gaziantep after the new restrictions on the Syrians in Istanbul because my Turkish ID is from Gaziantep. I couldn’t go back to Syria (Regime area) because my name is on the wanted lists of the Syrian Regime, and I couldn’t go back to North of Syria(Afrin) because I have fears of my life from reprisals by the Syrian military group (Jaish Alsharqya) especially after the incident of our library in Afrin, and I couldn’t stay in Turkey because I need medical treatment (an industrial party to my right leg) and also I am afraid of my life from this military group because they are supported by Turkish authorities. So kindly please if it is possible to support my asylum file as soon as possible to have a medical treatment to my leg ) Industrial foot( and to continue my study also. References: The journalist Alexis Corders, his email: a.cordesse@gmail.com Damascus Countryside Governorate president: Akram Toma, his email: Name: Anas Khalil Taha. Place of birth: Douma, Rural Damascus countryside, Syria. Phone: 05353806321 Email: anas1992ta@gmail.com On 25 April 2011, our house was raided by the General Intelligence Forces my father, my two brothers and me, were arrested by them, then we were taken to an intelligence branch,(Khatib branch) the state security in Damascus, where my father, my two brothers and I were tortured so hardly because we are Human Rights activists, and they were threatened me to torture my father before my eyes during the investigations session, unfortunately and they did. We stayed in the State Security Branch (Khatib Branch) for five days, and then we were transferred to the branch of the General Intelligence Directorate (Kafar Sosa 215), where we spent seven days, the worst days of my detention, and then we were transferred to Adraa Central Prison where I met with the activists George Sabra, Fayez Sara, Riad Seif and Mishal Tamo. Then we were released on 07-06- 2011 after 45 days (30 of them were in Adraa Central Prison, and 15 of them were in the security brunches) Under a bail payment under the conditions of court attendance. After that we were forced to stay in Estearn Ghouta in spite of the hard condition of Siege and shells by the Syrian Regime. During this I worked at Douma Local Council for four years (In the Directorate of Real Estate Records as a director of Photography and Electronic Automation office) During this work I subjected to an injury that on her trace I lost my right foot from the knee unfortunately. On 01-04-2018, we were forced displaced from Eastern Ghouta to the North of Syria (Afrin) by the Syrian Regime. In Afrin my brother and me were forced to start again, and we have got a fund to open a small library to sell school stationery in which we were attacked and beaten so hardly by the Syrian military group, (Jaish Alsharqya), they were a group of 25 military members, they have shot fire in our library and we were stabbed with knives by them, I was injured by three stabs, two in my back, and one in my head, and my younger brother was stabbed in his shoulder. The Turkish official (responsible for the security of Afrin) held the perpetrators accountable after this incident but he did nothing. On 1/3/2019,my younger brother and I went to Turkey to install an industrial party to my right leg because my old one had been broken and was in very poor condition. Now I have installed a new one by a Syrian orgnization, but not the one I wanted. First of all I was living in Gaziantep, then I went to Istanbul to look for a job but I did not find a job in Istanbul particularly and in Turkey in general because of the long working hours which are not commensurate with my injury, so I had to go back to Gaziantep after the new restrictions on the Syrians in Istanbul because my Turkish ID is from Gaziantep. I couldn’t go back to Syria (Regime area) because my name is on the wanted lists of the Syrian Regime, and I couldn’t go back to North of Syria(Afrin) because I have fears of my life from reprisals by the Syrian military group (Jaish Alsharqya) especially after the incident of our library in Afrin, and I couldn’t stay in Turkey because I need medical treatment (an industrial party to my right leg) and also I am afraid of my life from this military group because they are supported by Turkish authorities. So kindly please if it is possible to support my asylum file as soon as possible to have a medical treatment to my leg ) Industrial foot( and to continue my study also. References: The journalist Alexis Corders, his email: a.cordesse@gmail.com Damascus Countryside Governorate president: Akram Toma, his email:
57196 - مرحبا أنا من سورية عفرين جئت إلى أسطنبول أنا وعائلتي المؤلفة من زوجتي وأربعة أولاد وأمي المسنة منذ سبعة سنوات تقريبا بسبب الحرب الأهلية الدائرة هناك وأنا أعمل لوحدي منذ ذالك الوقت تقريبا أرجو أن تقبلو بطلبي اللجوء إلى بلدكم الجميل لئئمن مستقبل أفضل لأولادي وحياة آمنة أرجو الأهتمام وانا على أمل بطلبي أن يلقى دعم إنساني بقلب كبير . وشكرا
55685 - أريد الهجرة إلى لوكسمبورغ للعمل هناك وتحسين وضعي المعيشي
55307 - مرحبا بكم انا اسمي جميل من سوريا اريد ان اقدم الى سفارة لوكسمبرغية اريد من الله الله ان تقبلوا لجوئي بسبب الاوضاع في سوريا وتركيا الاسم جميل ملو الام فاطمة ادو رقم الهاتف .5395037768 ايميل .jamilmallo420@gmail.com وشكرا جزيلا