سفارة سويسرا فى الخرطوم

سودان > سويسرا

العنوانStreet 15, House No. 7
الهاتفمحلي: (0183) 471.010
دولي: +249.183.471.010
الفاكسمحلي: (0183) 472.804
دولي: +249.183.472.804
البريد الالكترونيkha.vertretung@eda.admin.ch
Web sitehttp://www.eda.admin.ch/khartoum

املء هذا النموذج :
- لتقديم طلب للحصول على معلومات.
- لترك رسالة في هذه الصفحة والمشاركة في منتدى للنقاش.
- لاستلام أهم التحديثات.
سوف تظهر رسالتك في هذه الصفحة أما تفاصيلك الشخصية ستبقى سرية.

الإسم و اللقب :

البريد الإلكتروني :*

مدينة : *

بلد : *

مهنة :

رسالة : *


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19271 - To whom it may concern My name is Muhammed Mehio Salim.I am Syrian,originally from Aleppo city, the city where I was born and I lived in until it became the city of horror. As far as I am concerned, I still love my city despite all suffering. But sorrowfully, being called up for military service and because the necessity of taking up arms which I have never ever carried, I departed my city with the intention of pursuing my study and keep holding my pen which is the only source for promising future. It worth mentioning that I am undergraduate student at Aleppo University, faculty of science and my major is Applied Chemistry. But I haven't completed my study because of the hard circumstances at my home, syria Syria and due to unfair decisions which were not in favour of university students. All the above make me seek refuge in Sudan which was the only destination I could reach. Finally, I am very apologetic for this lengthy description and I would be grateful if you could fix a date for me at your embassy so that I can present my papers and ask for humanitarian refuge and provide documents of what I mentioned in this email. Thank you Sincerely

18866 - ارغب فى تأشيره دخول

18865 - ارغب فى تأشيرة دخول

18621 - Hi! This is Ahmed Sahli, a Syrian Palestinian refugee as  they say, but I do not know if that right because I only have a document that I am from the country where I was born and raised and lived my childhood, my adolescence and my studies until I finished my university  which mean is  (SYRIA) until I came to suffer another time of asylum. It is repeated with me and I live the same suffering of my Grandparents .. My story is and excuse me if it lasts long, began with a missile that changed the course of our lives. My family, (my father, my mother, my sister, my brother, his wife and his little daughter, )who did not exceed one year old when he fell in front of our house and led to hundreds of casualties and injuries, we decided to leave our house and we came to a town 50 kilometers away from the capital. To my university from the length of the road and the large number of army barriers then .. We stayed about a year and a half threatened by the threat of the intensity of the voices and shells that do not know where the truth comes from and , I  worked during this period in the Institute for the education of refugees under the auspices of (UNICEF)that period I never forget in my life Rose children grow up And changed their games and They talked about a lot of war, missiles, rockets and bullets that are crashing their minds every day. We learned from other a lot and began to mature in this period and entered the arena of life during the war. On a rainy day at five o'clock in the morning our fears were achieved by hearing terrifying sounds of missiles, beside our house  , to know then the entry of strangers to our town full of weapons and hardware and know that they are opposed to the regime and in this case to say the amount of missiles and missiles by the other party in this region, which held us for 20 days of hunger and cold and humiliation do not know Why !just because we decided to stay on Neutrality and live in peace. We  decided to take part in a demonstration to liberate us and this happened. After that, my family and I moved to the capital, Damascus, to be a safe haven for us after that suffering and our two trips from our home. We were burdened by the high wages of the house, my brothers and my father and I was forced to work in a medical center for 16 hours a day and I was spent whole month  there. I can only see my family one day a month for fear of losing my job. I completed my university studies and spent four years there. The most important to me only I kept this work for my family until, I had the news of joining the military service. My family and I decided that I would be scared to die, and then I would run away and suffer a visa only because I have a Palestinian nationality. Palestine, which I saw only on television .. I came to Sudan and here began another battle to identify a new society I know little about it .. and my suffering in obtaining a job and a place of residence in the very harsh conditions and here I have been here fifteen days and did not succeed In the achievement of any goal to me and in the list of plans and hopes built by me and my fiancé who also awaits me in Syria and wish to meet with me someday with minimum conditions to be able to come but till know i see that impossible :( .. In short, I hope you can read my message and help me and give me information on how to obtain asylum to your country, which embraced thousands of refugees and gave them the opportunity to work, self-realization and live in peace with their families away from our east, which was and still is in a permanent war only kills innocents Competence and energy sufficient to be a good person to him and his family and to the country where he lives in safety and peace .. Accept my message and my gratitude and I am sorry to lengthen and thank you very much. Note: A request for asylum for my family and my future wife, who does not stop every day, says to me: "I miss you and I have confidence in you." Thank you very much:((

16695 - وانا فلسطيني سوري مهجر من بلدان عدة لااحد يوجد عنده انسانية حتى بلدي الام فلسطين تخلا عني فلسطيني ممنوع تعيش انت خلقت للحواجز لتفتيش وانا اريد لجوء انساني الى بلادكم الموقرة الانسانية اريد ان استعيد انسانيتي من جديد ولعيش ببلد يوجد فيه الانسانية والاحساس بلاشخاص المهجرين ارجو الرد وشكرا جزيلا

16694 - مرحبا اريد طلب لجوء انساني الى بلادكم الموقرة الانسانية بهدف العيش بامان بدون خوف ورعب وتامين حيات خالية من المشاكل في بلادكم الموقرة ارجو قراءت رسالتي نغسي عيش بحيات جديدة كلها حب وعطف وحنان ولمساوات بلحق والمعاملة الجيدة كانسان

16693 - اريد الهجرة الى سويسرا تحسين الوضع الاقتصادى

16006 - Salutations messieurs ,,,,,,,, Je Shadi Hashem Live in Khartoum père de deux enfants, je compte deux familles ne disposent pas d'une source de travail, pas de travail, je vous en prie dans votre ambassade os ici au Soudan, a déclaré Tjdo me fonctionne Sawa était un pilote ou un nettoyant ou toute autre fonction sont possibles avec vous et je vous prie de me aider dans le Christ Mongi

16005 - Salutations messieurs ,,,,,,,, Je Shadi Hashem Live in Khartoum père de deux enfants, je compte deux familles ne disposent pas d'une source de travail, pas de travail, je vous en prie dans votre ambassade os ici au Soudan, a déclaré Tjdo me fonctionne Sawa était un pilote ou un nettoyant ou toute autre fonction sont possibles avec vous et je vous prie de me aider dans le Christ Mongi

15854 - اريد الحصول على موعد مقابلة السفارة السويسرية لغرض الحصول على فيزة انسانية