سفارة كندا فى اثينا

اليونان > كندا

العنوان4, Ioannou Ghennadiou Street
115 21 Athens
الهاتفمحلي: (0210) 727.3400
دولي: +30.210.727.3400
الفاكسمحلي: (0210) 727.3480
دولي: +30.210.727.3480
البريد الالكترونيathns@دولي.gc.ca
Web sitehttp://greece.gc.ca

املء هذا النموذج :
- لتقديم طلب للحصول على معلومات.
- لترك رسالة في هذه الصفحة والمشاركة في منتدى للنقاش.
- لاستلام أهم التحديثات.
سوف تظهر رسالتك في هذه الصفحة أما تفاصيلك الشخصية ستبقى سرية.

الإسم و اللقب :

البريد الإلكتروني :*

مدينة : *

بلد : *

مهنة :

رسالة : *


135141 - If I can know the best way for the Immigration to Canada

120787 - اريد السفر الى كندا والعيش بامان هناك

119793 - Good evening, I hope you have an appointment at the embassy

119446 - Hi I am from Morocco residing in Greece I want to inquire if I can get a work contract or apply for asylum in Canada

114528 - مرحبا شباب أنا عندي إقامة يونانية مع وثيقة سفر يونانية هل يحق لي الحصول على فيزا إلكترونية لدخول كندا ترانزيت 48 ساعة

109823 - مرحبا اناهشام عبدالحميدمن سورياديرالزور اناوزوجتي واطفالي2وازوجتي حامل ومعي اوراق رفضين اللجؤء في اليونان

109258 - مرحبا أنا سالم صابونجي من سوريا حلب لاجق في اليونان عمري ٤٨ سنه انا مريض اريد ذهاب والعيش في كندا انا اتكلم الانجليزي عربيه ارمنيه اريد منكم مساعدتي لكي استطيع اخذ فيزا إلى كندا وشكرآ

108820 - A private message to His Excellency the Canadian Ambassador and all the staff working in the embassy, ​​I am called Muhammad Al-Jarrah from Syria. I want to send you my greetings and special thanks to Greater Canada. Canada has been a tender mother for the Syrians and for many people who were causing bad conditions due to wars or the like. As you know that there are thieves who stole and looted the money of the Syrian homeland and sold the country and let us down. When we were young children, they used to teach us in schools that Jews and Christians are infidels and their destiny is Hell, and they used to teach us that Christians and Jews are criminals. But when I became an adult, I discovered that they were accusing Europe, Jews, Christians, and America in order to distance themselves from suspicion. I have a special request from the ambassador and from any Canadian person. I live both in Greece and I have a younger brother with his wife and a young child. I have a child in Syria that I haven't seen for 5 years. If you can help, I would be very grateful and grateful to you. If you need a cleaning worker, a farmer animal, or a construction worker. Let this work be in return for your help to us. And I apologize for the inconvenience. If you can't help us by going to Canada, let's live a safe and stable life. Help us to leave the gangs from Syria so that we can live and share the nation’s goods with you. Thank you very much (Mohamed Al-Jarrah :)

101955 - اتمنى ان اعيش في البلد اللذي احبه مند طفولة كندا حبيبة

98403 - please help me i want going to canada because iam refuge in greece ihave nt anythink also ihave nt place to sleep iam sleep on the street please canada help me